Loose remarks about SpiritualFaya Project
Spiritualfaya is journey dairy of Maksy Wolda with milestones of energy transformation manifested in ceramic forms. His poetry and teachings of his teachers. So the best way to experience message is to silence your inner critic as much as possible and flow with the sounds resonating between form and substance – surrendering to the music of meanings.
Spiritualfaya is part of Infotantra future-ancient tradition. One should imagine whole as a message coming from future of humankind. Kind of writings in clay about future of religion and spirituality, which – whatever experience, exercise or teaching – begins and finishes in formula of storytelling.
Most of sculptures have pipe functionality. But this option is for those who are not enough sensitive or prepared to experience directly from Source. For those, who are no able to hear their own inner voice and experience art as a solution. Who can`t even imagine that object in front of them tells story; is the story – their own story – and as such builds pure information space gate. And how important for freedom of spirit is to practice unconstrained inner voicing.
Art internalization as a form of meditation.
So please do not look at spiritualfaya only in terms of pipes. They are messages from inner space storyteller, sincere poetry of Maksy Wolda materialized as they appear for fullness of flow.
Anyway children don`t need any smoking to immerse in experience and live art from which the world is created. They imminently tell stories and anthropomorphise sculptures. They are in full potential, already in church of Imagination . So please try to bee like them when you are within spiritualfaya and Infotantra.
So whole project is dedicated to rediscovery of forgotten art (in early childhood) of living inside stories. Spiritualfaya invites you for exploration of your own space in spontaneous rituals of eye-magination. Discovery of unique spirituality and private mythology by creative process enhanced by fire sculptures.
Don`t struggle to find and internalize formulas from others.
Last but not least, this project comes from info space where everything is ok, flawless, just like that – pure in land of hear and now.
I salute to all teachers and all teachings from all directions and ask them with whole humbleness for intuition and courage to tell best story of my life.
And I wish you, to find such courage to tell your best stories.
From whole of my heart of my mind.
-dj Maksy Malny